this site is updated daily by Dylan, Son of Waves
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Project Double Mirrors, Jerusalem. Headquarters for the Cyber-Spiritual Revolution. E-mail/IM byte:I have a 400 page book and CD ROM project which is where 99% of the energy into Project Double Mirrors has gone. Ive a pulled a Bill Gates, and spun around 180 to focus on the web. Its a gamble- maybe I should be trying to publish my work in more traditional methods. Im gonna put more of my writing on the site as I become more trusting of this medium. Meanwhile- its all just fluff- building a stage for a main act that is still hiding behind the curtains. The Double Mirror theory, which is at most hinted to on the site, is HUGE. Ltenergy: I forwarded your note to a couple of friends so that they can visit your site (with ease :) ) JeDiD303: it really is the meaning of life-- I wasnt kiddin- explains volumes about the human spirit, our relationship to eachother and god JeDiD303: everything Im doing now is just so that when the DM theory is ready to be told, people will be there to hear it JeDiD303: but ultimately, without this substance, everything else is just fluff- fancy techno tricks with no meaning
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