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 JediNet Feature: Dolphin Inspired Electronic Music from SWS

Download free MP3's from Son of Waves Studios, an indie artist topping the electronica charts!
Son of Waves Studios- download tracks from The Doorway - ambient soundscape album by SWS / Dylan Tauber - for free.

JediNet Featured Free MP3 Song- Hack the Planet, by Son of Waves Studios. Slow synth ambience about the persecution of hackers.Bob Dylan, Bruce Lee, hackers. Midway, the song evolves into a cyber-emotional and inspiring blend of classic SWS synth pads, and ethnic middle east samples. JediNet fans will love this alblum, The Doorway ($8.99) Credits: Dylan, Son of Waves/Son of Waves Studios

JediNet Featured free mp3 Song #2- The Revolution is Coming -Ambient soundscape featuring American Ondian, middle eastern samples, and also a few short samples from the upcoming Star Wars prequel, the Phantom Menace. I fully expect the cyber-spiritual revolution to hit overdrive on May 19. . .The force will be with you. . . . always. CD: The Doorway ($5.99)
Credits: Dylan, Son of Waves/Son of Waves Studios
  • Revolution is Coming
  • Hack the Planet
  • Radioactive Waste
  • Even the Most Backwards Tribe
  • Sad Fury
  • Disclaimer:

    This page is sponsored by JediNet, a legion of cyber-Jedi who will save the planet.

    JediNet is a subdirectory of DoubleMirrors.com, a personal site featuring an exhibit of my artwork, photography and multimedia.

    DoubleMirrors.com, on the most basic level, is about starting spiritual revolution. All you really need is a computer to get started. These links will help you with the rest.

    May the Force be with you,

    Dylan, Son of Waves

    A Jedi's Strength FloWs from the Force.. . .

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